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Onyx gives strength. It promotes strength, steadfastness and stamina. Gives self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Onyx banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. It encourages happiness and good fortune.

Black Onyx strengthens focus and willpower. It has a grounding power that creates a strong bond between the Earth and Higher Power during spiritual guidance and stimulates the Root chakra, the source of physical and spiritual energy that flows through the body. When in balance the body begins to regain strength and stamina.

Onyx grounds and stabilizes the emotional body, bringing strength in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of tremendous mental or physical stress. It calms nervousness, calms anxiety and fear, soothes tempers, and restores rational thinking and self-control. It emanates the energy of self-mastery, self-confidence, focus, ease in one’s surrounding, and the gift of wise decision making. It lets flighty personalities move into a more stable way of life, and helps you explore new ideas, as well as to carry out even dull tasks to completion.

Onyx is a stone of separation, and can be helpful in recognizing old habits or relationships that need to be re-evaluated or released, and brings the inner strength needed to let go. It is a support stone for grief and denial, and assists one during the emotional processes of mourning, acceptance, and moving forward.

It can alleviate depression and improve the way you perceive the world. It helps you to better absorb and process information, and is a great talisman for overcoming hesitancy.

Onyx teaches the appropriate use of power and focusing your energy and will into a positive force. It is an excellent tool for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth, as well as facilitating alignment with Higher powers for guidance and strength. Onyx may be used to stimulate the psychic senses and engenders a protective shield for those who offer spiritual counseling, tarot readings, channeling or mediumship, automatic writing, or any endeavor that opens one to psychic influences. It encourages one to feel safe in its presence and is a remarkable aid for past-life and between-lives regression to heal old wounds and physical trauma affecting the present life.

Hematite provides us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.

Hematite is brimming with healing properties. It’s like throwing a protective cloak over your shoulder, grabbing your shield and sword, and stepping out the door. This stone brings a deep heartfelt confidence thanks to its ability to stop toxic emotions in their tracks. It’s connected to the root chakra, which is the foundation of our stability in this world, and it keeps us clear-minded and sassy with self-care every single day.

Hematite brings in strength - it’s a stone for the Mind. If you often find yourself at the mercy of other peoples bad moods and vibes, then Hematite is ever ready to step in and make sure that you don’t become a sponge for negative energy. For those who are high empaths, Hematite is an incredible investment. It somehow manages to kickstart our survival instinct and is all about infusing us with courage, willpower, and confidence enhancing abilities.

For those who sometimes feel like they live life a little on the timid side, Hematite is here to give your self-esteem a hearty boost. This new strength of character can help you to overcome all kinds of things. Addictive behaviors, poor patterns, and being a people pleaser – all these traits can be thrown out the window when Hematite comes in.

A strong rooting stone, Hematite is connected to the Root Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra. Our base chakras are where our confidence, belief in self, and feelings of security sit. When these are activated we feel unshakable which helps us to make decisions that are in complete alignment with our own souls.

The same properties of energy amplification, programmability and memory also make Clear Quartz the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom for healing, meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting love or prosperity, or virtually any purpose. However, with this power comes responsibility.

Clear Quartz is excellent for amplifying the energies of other stones or to enhance groups of stones, and is ideal for gridding. It is the perfect base material for wands, staffs, templates, etc., and clear crystal spheres have long been used for crystal gazing.

Clear Quartz produces a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surroundings of positive ions, protecting the aura. It dispels static electricity, and cancels out the harmful effects of radiation and radioactivity.

Clear Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions. Its hypnotic quality is conducive to sleep, helping one to understand the messages and lessons conveyed during the dream state. It is also a respected stone for death, included in many cultures in funeral rites and placed in tombs, urns, and sepulchres.

The Evil Eye is a talisman to ward off the actual evil eye. When someone throws shade or tries to limit you with their own beliefs of your capability, this talisman sends that energy right back to the sender.

Genuine Onyx + Hematite + Raw Clear Quartz

Evil Eyes are made of glass.

Wand is approx 4 inches long.

Onyx + Hematite + Raw Clear Quartz + Evil Eye Smoking Wand Clip

Only 1 left in stock
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