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Quartzite stabilizes positive changes by anchoring them in the fabric of your physical and subtle bodies.

It helps prevent you from slipping back to your old state after you undergo any uplifting change, such as a healing or spiritual experience. Quartzite helps the body establish a new state of balance that includes the beneficial change. When you are experiencing rapid changes, Quartzite also helps you maintain your perspective and overall balance by regulating your rate of change.

Rose aura quartz is clear quartz that has been bonded with Platinum, sometimes with additional Gold or Silver. It exhibits a lovely rose metallic sheen. The gentle energy of Rose aura quartz is uplifting but not overwhelming, and produces a marvelous frequency that stimulates the pineal gland and the heart chakra to transmute deeply held doubts about self-worth.

Rose aura quartz offers a youthful energy, fills your heart with joy and attracts what you desire in your life. It allows you to be kind natured and makes a good impression on the people around you.

Rose aura quartz imbues the whole body with love, restoring it to perfect balance while also removing limited beliefs and attitudes. It will help you release andy ill effects of abuse on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and forgive those who have hurt you in the past. When worn over the heart, rose aura quartz awakens a sense of importance. However, it doesn't increase tendencies of selfishness or arrogance but rather allows you to realise your self-worth and understand the role you can fulfil within your community.

Rose aura quartz encourages you to be kind to yourself. It is the perfect remedy if you work too hard or beat yourself up over failures. It enables you to treat yourself with loving kindness and open your heart to see the lessons from mistakes. It encourages you to be considerate and accepting. It allows you to be tolerant of those who show ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy or greed, understanding that this is symptomatic of a lost soul.

As rose aura quartz lifts your mood, placing you in a state of tranquility and peace, you will open yourself to attracting more love into your life. It enables you to put your best foot forward and stand out when you need to. It will allow you to combine your passion, knowledge, charisma and unique style to ensure success.

As many healers and shamans have reported, we can use pearls as we would crystals. As spiritual tools, pearls can are calming and centering, and can nurture our faith, loyalty, integrity, and purity. They also help women connect with their “inner goddesses” and men with their feminine attributes. No matter our genders, pearls can help us reach equilibrium with a vital, balanced, feminine energy. Perhaps most importantly, pearls embody specific frequencies and energy vibrations that can re-balance deficiencies in the human body and spirit. Just like all gemstones, pearls can be used to heal our bodies and create balance in our lives.

Genuine Pink Quartzite + Rose Aura Quartz + Lavender Pearl

Wand measures 4 inches in length

Rose Aura Quartz + Pink Quartzite + Lavender Pearl Smoking Clip

Out of Stock
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